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A general guide to Education research for the Rosemont College community.

Example Catalog searches

Some example searches through the Kistler Library catalog. Note: "Books" comprises physical and digital books here.

1. Searching au:(Piaget), with the limit of Books = 20 titles.

2. Searching kw:(childhood development) -- with two limits: Books and publications in the Last 5 years = 164 titles.

3. Searching su:(Education) vygotsky = 196 titles. If you subtract "Vygotsky," you have more than 864,000 hits.

4. Searching classroom fun -- with the limit of Books = 88 titles.

5. Searching teaching "university press" -- with two limits: Books and publication in the Last 10 years = 1,100 titles.

A brief note about abbreviations

You can search the library catalog with abbreviations, such as "au." Here are a few abbreviations defined.

     au = author   kw = keyword     su = subject     ti = title

Looking for specific articles on a topic? Visit our Electronic Databases page and search the resources listed there.

Rosemont Databases: A-Z List : Click on the link to view a list of 36 databases available through Kistler.

Encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries and other reference books can be a great place to start your research. They will

  • Give you the background information you need to start researching unfamiliar concepts
  • Help you to narrow your topic down to a manageable research question
  • Provide fast, reliable sources for definitions, facts, and statistics.

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