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If Kistler Library does not have firsthand access to the research materials you need, you can utilize Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request a specific item be borrowed on your behalf.
You may also visit an area library with which we have a reciprocal borrowing agreement to check out items directly. Rosemont College is a member of both SEPCHE (Southeastern Pennsylvania Consortium of Higher Education) and TCLC (Tri-State College Library Cooperative):
Local public libraries can also be terrific resources for materials not held by Rosemont. The Free Library of Philadelphia, open to all PA residents, offers the streaming video service Kanopy and the elearning platform Lynda/LinkedIn Learning.
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these libraries may be closed to the public or operating with restrictions on access and borrowing.
WorldCat contains records for millions of books and other materials from libraries worldwide. If you don't find the books you're looking for in Rosemont's catalog, try tracking them down with WorldCat. You can request the books through Interlibrary Loan or find a library where you can check them out yourself.