We accept donations of material relevant to Rosemont College, its staff, current students, and alumni.
The Archives welcomes donations of material; however, space, budget, and staffing may limit what can be accepted. The Archives is especially interested in materials documenting the history of Rosemont College, student publications, and memorabilia.
Items and collections donated to the Archives by individuals or organizations (other than offices at Rosemont College) require a Deed of Gift to be signed by both parties. The Rosemont College Archives will store and maintain donated materials according to accepted archival principles and procedures to ensure both preservation and accessibility to researchers.
When records are transferred to the Rosemont College Archives, they become the property of the Archives and of Rosemont College. Any material that is determined to have no permanent value, historical interest, or which duplicates existing collections, may be disposed of or returned to the donor.
Some useful information from the Society of American Archivists: