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Rosemont College Archives are located in Kistler Library. Collections span from the college's founding in 1921 to present day.
Open by appointment only.
Chelsea Frank, MLIS
Director of the Gertrude Kistler Memorial Library
610-527-0200 x2287
Some example searches through the Kistler Library catalog. Note: "Books" comprises physical and digital books here.
a) Searching "su:(forensic anthropology)" with the limit of Books = 67 titles.
b) Searching ""Ruha Benjamin"" = 16 titles.
c) Searching "ti:(sociology research)" with the limits of Articles and publications within the Last 5 Years = 382 titles.
d) Searching "kw:(racial justice)" with the limit of publications within the Last 5 Years = 2,100 titles.
A brief note about abbreviations
You can search the library catalog with abbreviations, such as "au." Here are a few abbreviations defined.
au = author kw = keyword su = subject ti = title
Encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries and other reference books can be a great place to start your research. They will:
Use the following multi-subject and subject-specific databases to search for detailed research articles on your topic. Login required for off-campus access. Click here for the full list of Rosemont's electronic databases.
The links below will direct you to additional resources on the open web. Depending on the nature of your research, it may or may not be appropriate to utilize these sources, so it is always best to check first with your professor or a librarian. Consult this page for more guidance on evaluating websites.