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Guide to support research in Sociology & Psychology

Guide Intro

Welcome to SOC 0210: Social Stratification and Mobility

A study of power relationships in society. Socio-economic status variables and everyday life. Ruling class, elite, and pluralistic theories. Social mobility patterns of religio-ethnic groups. Changes in American class structure due to globalization. U.S. social class impact on third world countries. “Rags to riches” and other belief patterns. Prerequisite: SOC-0200 or SOC-0205 or POI. Offered spring semester.

Required Text

Social Inequality and Social Stratification in Us Society

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  • Give you the background information you need to start researching unfamiliar concepts
  • Help you to narrow your topic down to a manageable research question
  • Provide fast, reliable sources for definitions, facts, and statistics.
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