One of the exciting features of our new library system is the ability to place holds on circulating materials. You may have requested holds at other libraries before, but read on for more information about how this service works here at Kistler Library and Learning Commons.
First, what are holds? Holds are user requests for circulating materials in the Library, ensuring you get access to the materials you need when you need them. When you place a hold on an item, your request gets sent to Library staff who then retrieve the item from the collection and place it on "hold" for you to check out at the Information Desk. Essentially, by placing a hold on a book, you're calling "dibs" and making sure it will be ready to check out.
How do I place a hold?
Ready to pickup your hold? Stop by the Library's Information Desk during our regular hours and let our staff know you're here for a hold pickup. Present your ID, and we will check your materials out to you. Simple as that! (Don't wait too long to pickup your hold, though. Items not picked up after 7 dayswill be reshelved so other patrons can use them.)