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Foreign Language Guide

This guide will aid those taking classes in American Sign Language, French, and Spanish

SPA 0300 Representative Works in Spanish & Spanish American Literature

REPRESENTATIVE WORKS IN SPANISH & SPANISH AMERICAN LITERATURE This is a foundation course designed to introduce students to literary analysis in Spanish and to develop cultural and literary history background. Written and oral practice of Spanish through compositions and class discussion, on literary selections representing major genres and periods in Spanish and Spanish-American literature. Prerequisite: SPA-0201 or permission of the instructor (POI). Offered every other year.


Recommended Texts

Suggested General Resources

The following featured books are in Kistler Library's collection. EBooks will link directly to their source (login may be required).

Encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries and other reference books can be a great place to start your research. They will:

  • Give you the background information you need to start researching unfamiliar concepts
  • Help you to narrow your topic down to a manageable research question
  • Provide fast, reliable sources for definitions, facts, and statistics.

Additional Resources by Week


  • El gigante egoísta. Oscar Wilde. 
  • El corazón delator. Edgar Allan Poe. 
  • One of the following Horacio Quiroga short stories.
    • El almohadón de plumas
    • A la deriva

The following featured books are in Kistler Library's collection. EBooks will link directly to their source (login may be required). 


Jorge Luis Borges, Emma Zunz, Julio Cortázar: Continuidad de los parques, Ana María Matute: Pecado de omisión, Miguel de Unamuno

The following featured books are in Kistler Library's collection. EBooks will link directly to their source (login may be required). 


Luis Góngora, Francisco Quevedo, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, José Martí, Cesar Vallejo, Federico García Lorca, Octavio Paz, Vicente Huidobro y Pablo Neruda

The following featured books are in Kistler Library's collection. EBooks will link directly to their source (login may be required). 


Jacinto Benavente, Osvaldo Dragún, Sergio Vodanovié, Griselda Gambaro, Federico García Lorca

The following featured books are in Kistler Library's collection. EBooks will link directly to their source (login may be required). 


Mariano José Larra, Arturo Uslar Pietri, Rosario Castellano, Rosario Ferré.

The following featured books are in Kistler Library's collection. EBooks will link directly to their source (login may be required). 

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