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SGPS Thesis & Capstone Guide

This guide will help Graduate Students as they develop their thesis or capstone

Types of Print Resources

Books See the non-e-book sections of Finding Books.
Journals Most of our journals are online, but a few are in the Library in print. Browse in the Front Reading Room on the Library main floor, or see "How should I search for a specific type of item (videorecording, journal, etc.)?" on Finding Books to learn how to search for journals in the Library catalog. In the Power Search screen, set "location" to "PERIODICALS" to search for print journals.
Reference books

These are located in the Information Commons as you enter the Library. Reference books are good starting points for researching a topic, but you'll probably need more in-depth books for a paper bibliography.

Archival materials Archival materials are generally used for in-depth, advanced historical research. For more information on Rosemont's collections, see Rosemont Archives. The archives can only be accessed by appointment. See the "Using the Archives" box at the far right for details.


Using the Catalog

If you specifically need print resources for any reason, the Library Catalog at Kistler Library will always be the best place to start.

Print Resources from Other Institutions

If what you need isn't available in print at Rosemont, you can always try to find it at another institution. Just like you should start with the Library catalog to find materials at Kistler Library, you should start with WorldCat to find materials at other libraries.

Search WorldCat

What Is WorldCat?

WorldCat is just what it sounds like: a "world catalog." It's used to search for books, manuscripts, web resources, videos and other materials published worldwide, and identify the libraries that hold them.

How Do I Search WorldCat?

  1. Click the link above.
  2. In the drop-down box marked Jump to Advanced Search, select "WorldCat."
  3. Enter your search terms in the fields available. You can search all of your terms by Keyword if you like, but it will probably be more efficent to choose more specific options from the drop-down boxes to the right (Title, Author, Subject, etc.)
  4. Set Limits using the boxes and checkboxes below the search fields, if necessary. Limits can restrict your search results to materials published within a certain time period, in a certain format, for a certain audience, and so on.
  5. Click the Search button.
  6. Your results will display. Look for the field in each record that is labeled Libraries Worldwide. This tells you the total number of libraries worldwide that own the library. A message reading "ROSEMONT COL" will appear next to this field if Rosemont owns the item.
  7. To see what other libraries own the item, click on Libraries Worldwide. A list of libraries will display, with links to the item in their catalogs where possible. Libraries in Pennsylvania or nearby will display first. If no nearby results are available, click Display All Libraries for a full list.

What Do I Do Once I've Found Something In WorldCat?

See How Do I Get Books And Articles? for information on ordering items through Interlibrary Loan, and borrowing items from area libraries.

Rosemont Archives

Rosemont College Archives are located in Kistler Library. Collections span from the college's founding in 1921 to present day.
Open by appointment only.

Chelsea Frank, MLIS
Director of the Gertrude Kistler Memorial Library 
610-527-0200 x2287

Interlibrary Loan & Area Libraries

If Kistler Library does not have firsthand access to the research materials you need, you can utilize Interlibrary Loan (ILL) to request a specific item be borrowed on your behalf.

You may also visit an area library with which we have a reciprocal borrowing agreement to check out items directly. Rosemont College is a member of both SEPCHE (Southeastern Pennsylvania Consortium of Higher Education) and TCLC (Tri-State College Library Cooperative):

  • SEPCHE libraries will lend materials freely to anyone with a Rosemont library card.
  • TCLC libraries (and Villanova University) will lend to Rosemont students with a letter of introduction, which can be obtained from the Information Desk at Kistler Library.

Local public libraries can also be terrific resources for materials not held by Rosemont. The Free Library of Philadelphia, open to all PA residents, offers the streaming video service Kanopy and the elearning platform Lynda/LinkedIn Learning.

Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these libraries may be closed to the public or operating with restrictions on access and borrowing.

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